I wanted to post tonight and was too lazy to go into Photoshop and find something to share...yes...I am lazy!!! I promise to post pics soon...PROMISE!!!!! So I thought I would share some random thoughts for with you...
1. I recently photographed a wedding (previous post Melissa and Linford engagement pics and wedding day) Geri and I received a thank you magnet from her that was so sweet, thoughtful and artistically done. I promise to post it this week. She has been sooo gracious and thankful that she gives me confirmation why I have the career I do. I love that she entrusted the most important, special day in her life with Geri and I. THAT IS SOOO HUGE!!! And she has been genuinely the sweetest thing ever! If you happen to be reading this Melissa...Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me to capture your memories for you. I was truly honored!!!
2. Most of you know me well enough to know how much I personally love books. Poor Cassi is subjected to me wandering the book aisles on a weekly basis, going to the library book sales and me ignoring her until I am done getting to the good part. I came across this website www.paperbackswap.com and love it! You post your old books online for others to swap and when someone decides to swap one of yours...you ship it to them and then get credit for a book for yourself. They advertise that they have over a million books. I kept coming up with names of books I wanted and they had most of them.
Once you post 9 books (really easy...type in the ISBN number and everything shows up!) you get a credit for three books. I have already had someone take one of my books and I have used two of my credits for books that would have cost me 12.95 and 16.95. You just pay media mail shipping.
To those interested...I promise you I wouldn't have wasted my time writing about this if I didn't think you would love it!!! For every person you refer to the site who signs up...you also receive a book credit towards a book. I think you type in my name or email address. Cassandme@hotmail.com
And if you love this...I have a online savings account I signed up for that there is no fee for...has a great interest return, really easy to use and if you open one soon...They will give you 25.00 in your account for joining and I get 10.00 in mine as a referral fee. Just thought I'd throw that one in.
Totally dorky and I hate when people email me stuff like this but since you are reading my blog...maybe just maybe...you are a little interested in a referral for free books like I was!!!
3. We adopted two dwarf hamsters tonight from my sister. We originally gave them to my niece as a gift for her birthday two years ago. The three hamsters we have had have died and so it's kind of scary crazy that I have these ones. The joke is I spoil them to death! They get apples, cheese, spinach and almost anything else I feed my guinea pigs. I think mine have died from sheer Ecstasy living with us!
Anyways...their life expectancy is two years and one of them has a nasty cyst growing on it's belly. It doesn't seem to effect him at all but I need to find out if it's causing him any pain. Anyone out there a hamster expert??? I thought about putting an antibiotic ointment on it but if it eats any of it...I'll be burying it under the palm tree in my Mom's backyard along with Mommas, Angel and Josh!!! God bless their all-night-wheel-running souls!!!
MacKenzie named them all sorts of things throughout the years (I think Beavis and Butthead most often!) so we decided to give them proper names tonight. After one of them nipped Cassi tonight...he got named Jaws...the second one...Nemo. So welcome to our family Jaws and Nemo!!!
I totally promise pictures soon!!!! And I have a website of personal work I am working on and should have up soon! The domain name is Cassiandme.com if you want to bookmark it!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
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